What goes under artificial turf?
Artificial turf is a surface of synthetic fibers made to look like natural grass. It is often used in arenas for sports as well as on residential lawns and commercial applications as well. If you’re considering getting artificial grass you may be wondering, what goes under artificial turf?
What is the base? The base is the foundation that goes under your artificial turf. A properly constructed base can provide up to 30 years of use under several synthetic turf installations. It is a large portion of your installation and it must be installed properly.
Large Stones
Rocks ranging from three-eighths to three-fourths of an inch are perfect for artificial grass sub-base . The most common gravel materials used are crushed or decomposed granite, along with other aggregates. Decomposed granite works well with base constructions since its rock structure breaks down easily to conform to the ground’s unique surface contours. Keeping the stones less than one inch in diameter allows the grass to retain a relatively flat surface.
Fine Materials
It is imperative to have a filler material, called fines, to surround the larger crushed rocks for overall turf stability. Clay and lime are both common fine aggregates that easily move into the large rock gaps as the base is laid across the ground. Fines are typically no larger than one-fourth of an inch in diameter and may be as small as dust particles. In fact, some turf installations use silica, or sand, as an alternative aggregate to ensure a smooth grass appearance.
Ideal Mixture
Most outdoor applications require preparation of an aggregate base to allow proper water drainage. In general, the ideal ratio of large rocks to fine materials is 70:30, according to the Association of Synthetic Grass Installers. As the rocks mix together, the gaps slowly disappear so that you have a solid stone layer to support the turf above. Altering the ratio changes the turf’s overall stability and appearance. For example, excessive large rock amounts allow water to move too quickly to the ground below, creating underground erosion, and the turf becomes damaged from hills and valleys created on its surface. In contrast, using too many fines creates a water barrier and leads to turf upheaval and cracking.
Weed Fabric
Weed membrane be laid immediately under the grass, this stops any seeds finding their way into the sand and germinating. Overlap the membrane by at least 100mm and take right to the edge of the area.
Finding an Artificial Turf Contractor
Turf Pros Solution is committed to providing the best artificial turf at the most competitive prices. Our warehouse carries the most advanced synthetic grass available, engineered to look and feel like real grass. Our turf is made with high quality materials that are safe for everyone. CONTACT US TODAY!